Late summer days
The summer seems to never give up - this september is actually warmer than the beginning of July!

Old friends for visit
Today we got visit from old friends, regulary visiting Arvidsjaur; Caspar & Boscha from Germany. They are a bit special, since they bring their own snowmobile from Germany in their van! Caspar says there is only one snowmobile dealer in Germany, and therefore it is no regular rules for snowmobiling in Germany. But they like Arvidsjaur, and come and stay a few weeks every winter, doing excursions in the sourroundings of Arvidsjaur and in the region. Welcome!

Everyone talks about the weather...

A road in the woods near Abborrträsk
...and they are quite right to do so! This picture was taken one hour ago near Abborrträsk. The cross country tracks are right around the corner!
Northern light maximum

Photo: Jerry Porsbjer
You can see more of his beautiful pictures here: . Dont miss the facebook page!
Unlikely encounter at Academy of Swedish Lapland!

Through the office window glass


Auction in the ice hall today.
The next auction is in the village of Utterliden coming Sunday!



We got an unexpected visitor when we had loaded up with new summerbroschures at the tourist office. You are also welcome!
In the dusty archives
I was looking for good fishing pictures when I suddenly came up with these:

A positive outlook is essential when flyfishing close to tall trees!

A positive outlook is essential when flyfishing close to tall trees!
A sure sign of spring

When you see one capercaillie after another along the gravel roads it is a sure sign that spring is here!

The testseason is going to its end, and we can se the airtraffic have going up within about 15% in the mounth of february and mars when it becomes the directflights from Germany.
Testsäsongen går mot sitt slut, och vi kan konstatera att flyget haft en uppgång på ca 15% under februari & mars när det gäller direktflyget från Tyskland.

Temperature drop
As usual we have arctic temperatures when Jokkmokk Winter market take place.
Yesterday evening -39.5 C below zero grader close to Arvidsjaur (Renvallen).
This morning -36 C in the city. Good morning!

Full moon
Magic polar night tonight. - 15 degrees and total silence.

Peace of Christmas
Despite the strong wind today, peace of christmas has arrived. The blogg wishes all readers a merry christmas!

Christmas greetings
...from us working at Destination Arctic Circle!
GunInger, Lotta, Erika & Peter
GunInger, Lotta, Erika & Peter
Lapland direct

Recently, DER Tour Academy in Kiruna provided an opportunity to promote the direct flights from Germany to Arvidsjaur. No less than 600 German travel agents received information about the flight program that streches from December to March. After the visit to Kiruna, 50 of the travel agents visited Arvidsjaur in person to get aquinted with the area.
Time to prepare
Winter is coming. Lately, more and more time is spent on preparations; cleaning the garden, pile up the fire wood, take care of the potatoe harvest, fill up the freezer with fish and meat from reindeer and moose, check the snowmobile - with other words prepare for the winter!


During trip home from Norway the other night we discovered the incredible amount of lemmings in the mountains this year. Down in the forestland there are an explosion of mice. This also effect the number of some local birds. Between Norway and Arvidsjaur we observed more than 60 owels.
A moment of silence at the Touristoffice
We have lit a candle for our neighbours in Norway at the office today because of the tragedi this weekend.