Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
This year's Tourist office Christmas card:
It's Christmas (again)
Christmas is a time of joy. This is something you have to tell yourself every year during December, while working, planning and buying for Christmas. And every year you almost convince yourself that you will spend the next Christmas alone with a book and a bottle of mulled wine.
Then it's suddenly Christmas in a movie, you celebrate, the dinner goes smoothly, everybody is nice to each other and happy, Santa makes an appearance and everything is so peaceful...until the parlour games are taken out...
Christmas is a time of magic...
Comparative weekend study of life in town vs. in the countryside...
During Friday and half Saturday it was snowing, 30-40 cm "heavy" snow because it was quite warm. On Saturday afternoon it was time to clear the snow:
In town.
In the countryside.
In town you could visit Santa and Rudolf.
In the countryside you had to cook outside due to power failure...after digging out the outdoor grill.
Finally, some relaxation:
I town.
In the countryside

Kevin is a modern hero, he is everything other people aspire to be: talented, happy, confident, humble, polite, kind to animals and old people and famous.

It is big to be big, but bigger to be human.
The last couple of days I have spent updating the Tourist office Power Point presentation. It has been a long time. When you start thinking about what pictures to use you suddenly see the old ones in a new light..and realise thay are older than you ever thought. Some of the pictures were not taken with a digital camera, but "scanned from slides". I don't even know what that means, but it was probably new and advanced not too long ago.
Now when the pictures are being rejected (by me) I thought they needed some last "minutes of fame":
Great pictures...
And it you are curious about the probable (not 100% yet) replacements:
New, tougher pictures...
Main street - honestly
The main street in Arvidsjaur is under reconstruction. According to the plans it will become both more beautiful and better for the traffic. But the change (like most) is not entirely painless. Many are claiming (sometimes very firmly) that it will be a lot worse. But honestly, will it really turn out bad at all? Or is it our inherent resistance to change speaking? Feel free to comment!
Bright future?
Now it has been quite cold for a while, and my hopes are up...we are bound to freeze on New Year's Eve!

Dawn in Arvidsjaur, -20 and cloudy...