Where's the snow that fell the year that's fled?
The snowlessness is eating away. Many times this year we have been complaining and bitching about how terribly trying last winter (when we had a1,5 metre snow depth and it was snowing every other day) was, and now we are paying the price. Not one single centimetre of snow! Now we have romantic thoughts about the snow, long for it and cheer if one flake should float to the ground.
Snow does not only mean a beautiful white blanket in nature and more light reflected on us light-starved northeners. It is also a social engine. How many times during a winter do we compare snow depth with each other or go on about who has shoveled the most snow? Not to mention all the snow related subjects like snowmobiles or snowclearing tools and machines that are lost in the snowlessness. The pictures below bring tears of longing to ones eyes...

Snow does not only mean a beautiful white blanket in nature and more light reflected on us light-starved northeners. It is also a social engine. How many times during a winter do we compare snow depth with each other or go on about who has shoveled the most snow? Not to mention all the snow related subjects like snowmobiles or snowclearing tools and machines that are lost in the snowlessness. The pictures below bring tears of longing to ones eyes...
