The firewood season is here...
It starts slowly, people get a certain wildness in the eyes, start to go straight home from work, a speck or two of sawdust show up on their clothes and you hear a word or two about firewood at the store. Then it is suddenly here: the firewood season! You become addicted to making firewood. Day in and day out you cut, split and pile until your back bleeds. Every now and then you take five minutes to walk along the piles with a tear of mingled pride and contentment in your eye...this goes on for a few weeks, then you notice a sudden drop in the wood addiction (often connected to the making of one year's supply of wood). And the madness is over as quickly as it begun. Until next year...
It brings tears to ones eyes...
Big log, small dog...
The apple of ones eye...
Opening of Ledfat nature reserve